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Kiss Wedge Sex Pillow

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Some lips are made for smooching, but this adorable and flirty positioning wedge is made for world-class sex. Small enough to be portable but not so small that its unsupportive, the Kiss Wedge leaves plenty of space for couples to move around and experiment. Designed with soft, rounded contoured edges, the Kiss Wedge lets you easily transition between your favorite positions.

Give your booty a boost and experience unforgettable doggy by leaning your hips over the higher end, or place your bum on top of the thin edge for longer and more satisfying oral sessions. Missionary or cowgirl sexual positions are also given an extra oomph, letting you experience the pleasures of deeper penetration and thrusting power.

Size: 18.5" length. 12" width. 7" height. 

Materials: Removable, machine-washable Micro-velvet cover, Moisture-resistant inner liner, and High-density polyurethane foam interior. 


Some lips are made for smooching, but this adorable and flirty positioning wedge is made for world-class sex. Small enough to be portable but not so small that its unsupportive, the Kiss Wedge leaves plenty of space for couples to move around and experiment. Designed with soft, rounded contoured edges, the Kiss Wedge lets you easily transition between your favorite positions.

Give your booty a boost and experience unforgettable doggy by leaning your hips over the higher end, or place your bum on top of the thin edge for longer and more satisfying oral sessions. Missionary or cowgirl sexual positions are also given an extra oomph, letting you experience the pleasures of deeper penetration and thrusting power.

Size: 18.5" length. 12" width. 7" height. 

Materials: Removable, machine-washable Micro-velvet cover, Moisture-resistant inner liner, and High-density polyurethane foam interior. 

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