Feel Confident Menstrual Cup Kit



I was so pumped to see the killer price, color & stem options…been a diva cup user for a decade. First time I used this cup I pooped it right out. Went down the toilet hole. Gone forever. lol. No hard feelings, just wish that hadn’t happened. Never happens with the diva cup. Now I’m curious to try other cups and see what happens. But most others are closer to $30, so…I guess I’ll stick with what works? Anyhow. Glad to see more cups on the market.
Best $12 I’ve ever spent. This cup far outperforms the $40 cups I’ve bought. The silicone is soooo soft. The first time using it was a little tricky because the softer silicone makes it a little harder to feel when it’s in place, but once you get the feel for it, it is the MOST comfortable cup ever. I don’t feel it at all and I haven’t had any leaks. I can’t begin to tell you how thrilled I am to have a cup I can put in and forget about. Every other cup I’ve used has leaked and made it feel like I have to pee all the time. Not this one! Buy it. You won’t regret it.
It is the best cup Ive had. I always thought I was too clumsy using the cup and always ended up with a hand covered in blood when taking it out. But with this one it was very clean and simple. Being able to read the volume is also nice! Also probably the cheapest cup out there!
The Satisfyer Feel Confident Menstrual Cup Kit is the best cup EVER. I have severe arthritis and the damage to my hands has limited my range of motion and causes chronic pain. I recently thought I’d have to give up my menstrual cup and was really struggling with the fact that I may have to use an alternative method that wasn’t my first choice. I am the menstrual cup cheerleader and have used cups for years?! I was feeling insecure and vulnerable that for the first time my disability was effecting my ability to comfortably use my preferred period products. When I saw the Satisfyer Feel Confident Menstrual Cup Kit I knew the loop on the end would give me the ability to remove the cup easily without struggle or discomfort to my hands. This cup kit far exceeded my expectations. It is the easiest cup to remove as I can pull it out using the loop and just my thumb. The flexibility of the cup makes it extremely easy to insert and with a tiny tug on the loop I feel the cup suction to my body. It’s also far more comfortable during sex for me and my partner, what a pleasant surprise! This might seem like just another cup but it’s so much more for me having chronic pain in my hands and a limited range of motion. I feel overjoyed to still be able to use my preferred method of period care a while longer. Great price too!