
Shipping Policies:
Within the US, all orders $135 and over ship free. There is an $7 flat rate shipping for all other orders. For international orders, shipping calculated at checkout and is based on weight, size, and distance.Shipping within the US is discreet and does not have “Wild Flower” or any other information visible on the packaging. International shipping requires us to label the merchandise clearly for customs. All orders ship within 5 business days unless the item or items in your order are on pre-order, we will then wait for the pre-order item to ship all items.
For international orders, we are not responsible for duties or taxes charged by your country. Once packages leave the US, we are no longer responsible for their tracking. Some products can only be shipped to certain countries (Fun Factory, Dame, We-Vibe, Vibatrex).
At this time, international customs for many countries are overwhelmed and some customers are experiencing package loss during within customs process. Once the package has left the United States, we are not responsible for loss of your item. We recommend that you reach out to your respective customs department to inquire about waiting times before ordering from us.
Because of global shipping delay issues, some domestic and international orders may take longer to arrive than usual. We cannot offer any discounts or refunds for orders that do not arrive by a specific date. Suggested dates with international shipping are estimates of when your package will leave the US and does no include customs time. Wild Flower apologizes for any inconvenience, and appreciate your understanding with shipping issue.
We are not responsible if your products are turned away, confiscated, or damaged at customs. We ask that you be aware if your shipping country does not allow adult products to enter its borders or if it is criminal to possess an adult product generally or specifically.
Our standard shipping is sent via USPS, UPS, or FedEX. We are not responsible for lost, damage, or delay caused by these shipping services. If you are experience issues with the delivery of your package we ask that you reach out the shipping service directly with the following contact information:
Phone: 1-800-ASK-USPS
Phone: 1-800-PICK-UPS
Phone: 1-800-GoFedEx
Additionally we do offer Route insurance for each order. This is included at checkout, but you can opt out. Route insurance allows you a file a claim for missing or stolen packages and we recommend this with every order. To contact Route and file a claim, please visit them at: As the company providing this insurance option, we are unable to file this claim for you. We recommend doing this as soon as possible as there is a limited coverage period.
All items returned back to us will be automctially refunded and subject to a 10% restocking fee (with a minimum of $10) plus shipping fee if abandoned. Re-shippment of items require an additional $8 shipping charge for US orders and full payment of reshipping for international orders. Please contact us via if you would like your order reshipped.
Wild Flower is a small company, and sometimes we may run out of stock of a particular item. Although we don’t currently allow backordering, please feel free to email us at and we can let you know when something will be back in stock!