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Guide to Semen

Spit or swallow? You may know the answer to that question but do you know what semen actually is? How many calories was that cum? Want to learn how to make your load taste lovely? First, let’s cover the basics.

What is Semen?

Semen is a cocktail of many different body fluids, all combined during ejaculation. Other than water, the main ingredient in semen is sperm. Sperm cells are produced within the testicles in tightly coiled tubes called seminiferous. The sperm then make their way through a series of ducts called the epididymis, maturing over a 24 hour period. During ejaculation these sperm cells make their way through the ejaculatory ducts, or vas deferens, to meet with bulbourethral fluid, seminal fluid, and prostate fluid, This mixture is then sent out the urethra as what we call semen. Sperm cells carry the DNA necessary for human reproduction and all the other fluids play their roles in it’s hopeful success in fertilization. The bulbourethral fluid cleans out the urethra and serve as extra lubrication. Seminal fluid contains fructose, fatty acids, and proteins which nourish the sperm. The slightly alkaline base of prostate fluid helps neutralize the naturally acidic vaginal environment.

What is considered healthy?

Though an individual’s semen can change naturally over time due to age, taking medications, and activity, there are some signs you can look out for to ensure that your semen is in its best shape. The color of semen should be a whitish hue and variations on this can be a sign of an internal problem. Yellowish or greenish semen can be a sign of an infection like gonorrhea. Reddish semen could be traces of blood. This could be a condition called hematospermia, which is usually benign, but should be still checked out by a doctor. Any strong odors can also be a sign of infection.

Is it safe to ingest semen?

The short answer is yes! Semen is perfectly safe to ingest and can actually give your body nourishment. The composition of semen is close to that of a superfood, packed full of 200 separate proteins and a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals. Semen contains 96% water and 2% sperm. The remaining 2% is a perfect arrangement of sperm nourishing fructose, vitamin C, and sodium bicarbonate. There are also several minerals present, such as magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and zinc, that all contribute to semen’s slightly bitter taste. The average ejaculation amounts to about 4ml, or one teaspoon, and is between 15 to 20 calories. That’s a healthy breakdown of around 4 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs and 9 grams of fat. Though you couldn’t rely on semen alone to survive, it’s not going to ruin any diets.

All of that said, if you are not fluid bonded with a partner and are unsure of their STI or health status, the answer should be no. Interaction with body fluids like semen is exactly how sexually transmitted diseases are spread. Gonorrhea can be transmitted via oral sex easily and recently has been a point of concern as the infection is becoming less responsive to antibiotics. Furthermore, if you simply don’t want to slurp up some semen, don’t! Being pressured or feeling forced to do something can be just as damaging to your mental health.

Improving your semen health

Diet: Processed foods can seriously affect the fertility levels of semen by taking away the necessary nutrients they need to grow and survive.

Exercise: Carrying extra body fat around with you can interfere with the natural production and development of semen. Studies have shown regular physical activity can help balance hormone levels, reduce excess body fat, and help with blood flow - all things that help with the production of semen.

Clothing: Tight fitting clothing, like briefs and skinny jeans, can restrict and overheat sperm cells. For healthier semen, opt for comfortable, breathable clothing.

Smoking: As well as a list of other dangerous health problems, smoking causes stress to the sperm cells, denying them of oxygen.

Plastic: Chemicals found in certain plastic called phthalates are harmful to fertility and overall sexual health. Ensure all the sexual health products you use are free from phthalates, opt for a metal water bottle, and don’t reheat food in plastic containers.

Stress: Chances of having abnormal sperm are heightened when stress levels are high. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, exercise frequently, and try a little meditation to reduce tension.

Affecting taste and consistency

Despite there being no official studies, dedicated sex nerds and enthusiasts have been logging their findings about what foods can affect the taste and consistency of semen. The natural sugars found in fruit have been some of the most widely documented cum sweeteners, especially citrus, watermelon, apple, and pineapple juices. Celery can help boost the amount of ejaculatory fluid if quantity is your thing. Diets high in meat, dairy, deep fried foods, coffee and alcohol can have negative effects on semen’s taste. Legendary porn star Anna Sprinkle swore that “vegetarians taste better”. So opt for the veggie plate and get to drinking that lemonade!

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